New York Times & Google Lens
Branding, Print, & Digital
Google Lens is partnering with The New York Times Magazine to create more interactive content using AR technology.
As part of an expansive campaign that includes video and an interactive website, I designed many print and web ads leading up to the partnership and throughout the year.
Web design by Juan Mora.
Development by Hebby Mathew.
Production by Annie Kelly.
There will be 26 lensable covers and 3 burst issues.
The first burst issue, Music, released on March 15th, 2020.
In the burst issues, every page of the magazine can be lensed to release interactive, AR, and video content.
Partnership ads
Print ads were placed in the magazine and newspaper burst editions to inform readers of the project.
Once searched with your phone camera, they redirected to a video about the project.
Explainer Ads
The NYT Magazine ran print ads I designed explaining how to use lens to enhance the reading experience.
Core Ads
In the year leading up to the partnership, Google placed an array of print and web ads on the New York Times paper, magazine, and website to familiarize readers with Lens and its features.
Identify Objects
Identify Landmarks
The rest of the partnership will be rolling out during 2020, stay tuned!
Bonus Lil Nas X.